
Why do you need CRM for Jira when closing deals?

The growth of the company is tracked through the number of deals being closed.

However, closing a deal is not just a call or a message. It is a long and complex process that requires the involvement of all departments: from account and sales managers to project managers.

Besides, during the sales process, there are a large number of deals made, which data can be lost or mixed up with another customer.

Any deals we always associate with time, because time is a valuable resource here. Every minute is counted, so dragging out the process can lead to deal cancellation.

That's why, in order to effectively manage closing of every deal in the company, you’ll need a CRM system.

CRM for Jira - an excellent app for both current customers of other Jira products and new customers.

You can:

  • link a client's company with the project team to conduct an assessment and any preliminary work leading up to the conclusion of the deal in the future;
  • collect all requests, communication with the client in the company card. Thus, you will be able to lead your client through the right funnel, connecting different performers at different stages and following them to the deal closing;
  • your account and project managers will always be informed of what is happening with this particular client – you can customize notifications;
  • visualize sales by using gadgets to show reports on your dashboard. So, you can analyze the "failure" of the deal and change the strategy to make future deals successful;

By linking projects to particular clients you definitely won't miss important data, waste a lot of unnecessary time and, as a result, close the deal.

Make sure that all your deals will lead to the logical conclusion – their signing.

Learn more by signing up for a demo of CRM for Jira or trying it for free right now.
2023-09-20 12:49